How to customize approval workflows for transfer, reimbursement, and supplier invoice payment requests?

  • Updated

To maintain control while delegating team expenses and invoice payments, you can use multi-layer approval workflows to keep control over big amounts to reimburse or pay with configurable approvals.

This feature will be useful to you if you need to delegate tasks like reimbursement requests and paying invoices, ensuring your company can scale without the risk of overspending and apply your expense policy.

This feature is available through Account Payable and Expense & Spend Management add-ons.

Which roles can set it up?

Owner and Admin roles can customize a workflow approval on the web app only.

The Employee and Accountant roles can make transfer requests for approval.

Managers with transfer permission or/and reimbursement can send requests for approval.

Regarding supplier invoices: Managers and Employees roles can only upload invoices and view the status of their uploaded documents.


How to customize an approval workflow?

Follow the steps below to effectively manage and control your company's expenses and payments through a structured approval workflow, ensuring that big expenses are properly overseen.

  • From your computer, go to Settings: navigate to the Tools customization section and click on Approval workflows.
  • Select and edit workflow: choose the approval workflow you want to edit, either transfer request or reimbursement, then click Edit workflow.
  • Set workflow rules: define the rules of the workflow by first defining the amount and then by specifying the roles/person who can approve the requests.
  • Assign workflow: the workflow will be assigned to all users who submitted a request (Employees, Managers, and Accountants without transfer or reimbursement permissions).

Capture d’écran 2024-07-15 à 13.17.50.png


💡 For French-based companies, approval rules will apply to Mileage too.


✅ What can I do? ❌ What can I not do?
Create approval rules for specific requests (transfer, reimbursement) You cannot approve other requests (multi-transfer, virtual card, instant card)
Set up multiple layers of approvers You cannot create more than one approval workflow per category
  Approval on invoices is not available
  Multi-conditions triggers are not supported
  Custom notifications cannot be created
  Approval cannot be assigned to a specific member or team
  There is no dedicated approval workflow for mileage