The Manager role is available for Business and Enterprise plans.
The role of the manager is customizable: Admins or Account Holder define permissions for each manager individually, on a team level or on the whole company level.
What is the scope of permissions for a Manager?
Depending on how much they want to delegate, the Admin or the Account Holder defines the scope of permissions for each manager:
on the whole company level
or on a team level
The manager will be able to see transactions, manage payments, invite Employees, and access balances depending on the scope level.
💡 You need to create a team before assigning a Manager to a team
Can a Manager access certain sub-accounts?
Yes, whether the permissions of a Manager are on a team or a whole company level, you can attribute one or several sub accounts to these roles. They will be able to access transactions and make payments from the selected accounts.
- The Manager already has a profil on the account : In that case, go to User Management > User Access > Active > click on the click on the particular Manager you want to edit > Account Permissions > click on the pencil next to View transactions and make payments from selected accounts to select the sub-accounts they can access.
- The Manager has not been invited on the account yet : Go to User Management > User Access > Invite a member > follow the inscription steps and select the sub-accounts they can access.
You can also decide whether the Manager can view the selected account balances, IBAN, transactions and download statements.
This action can be modified at any moment from the User Access section.
What permissions can be delegated to a Manager?
A set of permissions is defined for each manager access, during the invitation process, by the Admin or the Account holder and can be edited at any moment, with immediate effect.
Those permissions will apply within the scope level selected.
They are defined around:
Expense management: manage card, entering and approving transfers within the limits set beforehand, manage direct debits, and checks
Team management: invite and revoke employees
Financial monitoring: see account balance, IBAN, transaction history, and export statements (‘whole company’ scope)
Bookkeeping (collect and request receipts, verify transactions, manage suppliers, associate supplier invoices with transactions and pay them or prepare payments, manage custom label)
Managers can also be part of an approval workflow that the Account Holder or Admin will customize. If you have a Team Business or Enterprise plan, please visit How to customize workflow approval for transfer and reimbursement requests? to find out more about multi-layer approval workflows to keep control over big amounts to reimburse or pay with configurable approvals.
💡 The Manager role can access all company accounts or specific subaccounts according to their permissions.
What permissions can’t be delegated to a Manager?
❌ Invite all types of team members: Admins, Managers, and Accountants
❌ Change roles status for themselves and other users
❌ Edit subscription
❌ Set up multi-accounts - but they can manage them
❌ Set up and manage third-party tools via Connect integrations
💡 Admins can do these actions.
How to check the permissions of a Manager?
It is possible to view the scope and permissions of a manager directly from their member profile.
From a computer:
Go to User management,
Click on User access,
Select the profile of the Manager you wish to view.
From the mobile app:
Go to Menu,
Go to Team members.