What are the frequently asked questions about capital increase?

  • Updated

We address the most commonly asked questions by users of our service.

👉 Your questions about the modalities of the operation:

Why can't funds of the increase be transferred directly to my Qonto account?

Qonto is not accredited by the “ACPR” to provide a deposit certificate, therefore we will not be able to provide you this document if the subscriptions have been transferred directly into your Qonto account.

In order to obtain a deposit certificate, the capital increase procedure set up by Qonto and our notaries partners must be followed.


Are "open" funds raising accepted at Qonto ?

In order to send you the IBAN of the deposit account, we first need to collect some documents, including a list of participants mentioning the amount contributed by each one. You must therefore be in possession of the requested documents before you can obtain the IBAN of the deposit account.

This allows us to ensure an optimal follow-up of your application and to keep you informed if a subscriber transfers a different amount than the one announced at the beginning of the process.


What is a share premium? Should it be included in the amount of the subscription?

The share premium is used to give old shares a higher value than their nominal value during a capital increase.

It allows this difference to be taken into account and thus brings the value of the share into line with the current situation in the company. It is to be included in the total amount of the increase. The amount of the subscription to be transferred into the deposit account must therefore correspond to the amount of the increase + the amount of the issue premiums.


How long does the procedure take ?

The duration of the procedure mainly depends on your responsiveness and the one of your investors. If the participants are responsive, the procedure can be very fast.

Our team commits to the following timeframes:

  • Analysis of documents and response within 6 business hours after receiving your email;
  • Transmission of the digital funds deposit certificate within 48 business hours after complete fund reception and the decision minutes for the increase;
  • Return of funds to the Qonto current account within 72 business hours after validation of the requested proof.



👉 Your questions regarding contributions

Can I deposit the subscription amount for one of my associates?

No, the funds must strictly come from a personal account in the name of the individual participating in the increase. If you make the payment for one of your associates, you will be considered the participant in the capital increase, and your associate will not be mentioned on the deposit certificate.


Can I make the deposit from my Qonto account?

If you wish to use your company's funds to increase its capital, this corresponds to a capital increase by reserve incorporation.

💡 This type of increase does not require a funds deposit certificate and is not within Qonto's purview. We suggest you consult your accountant or legal advisor for this type of increase. Qonto is only able to assist with capital increases through cash contributions, which means funds must come from a personal account in the name of the individual subscriber or from a professional account in the name of the company for a corporate subscriber.


Can the subscription payment be made from a joint account?

Yes, this is entirely possible. You will simply need to provide us with the joint account agreement, which will be included in our email containing the escrow account IBAN.


I cannot exceed a certain limit for my transfers. Is it possible to make multiple payments into the deposit account?

You can indeed make the subscription payment in multiple installments. It is important that each transfer made contains the reference that will have been communicated to you by email beforehand. Without this reference, your transfer may be rejected due to lack of identification.


Can contributions be made via SWIFT transfer?

It is possible to make a SWIFT transfer for the capital increase.

However, the subscriber must choose the "OUR" option. This option assigns all fees to the sender and ensures that we receive the intended amount.

⚠️ The amount received in the deposit account must correspond to the exact subscription amount of the participant in the capital increase. Therefore, it is essential to be very careful when converting currencies.