Have you just started your registration and need help filling in the ultimate beneficial owners’ information (U.B.O.)? You have come to the right place!
Because your time is precious, at Qonto we have designed your registration process to be the fastest and more efficient possible to create your professional account.
Let’s get straight to the point:
You have reached step 5 of your registration process and have just confirmed your personal address.
Now, you need to check your company’s U.B.O.s information.
At this stage, you can find yourself in one of the three different scenarios below :
1️⃣ The information of all U.B.O.s was automatically filled in:
You don’t have to take any action but proceed to step 6 of the registration process: the choice of your offer.
2️⃣ The UBOs are listed, but some information is missing:
The mention « Missing Information » appears next to the name of the concerned U.B.O.
You have to click on the « Provide Information » button to complete their personal information and upload a high-resolution photo of their identity document.
3️⃣ The U.B.O.s are not listed at all :
You have to add their information manually, using the button « Add another beneficial owner ».
You have to complete their personal information and upload a high-resolution photo of their identity document.
Please have in mind that in case you are facing scenario 2️⃣ or 3️⃣, we will need you to provide one of the following documents, to confirm the current U.B.O.s list of your company :
General meeting minute
Financial statement
INPI's Document de synthèse définitive or Extrait d'Immatriculation
INPI's Document de synthèse de dépôt are not admissible.
Our customer support team will reach out to you by email, once your registration is done to request one of these proofs. Save time and prepare the document right now!
🚨 One of the U.B.O.s passed away ?
Please contact us via support@qonto.com.